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Why do I prefer CARBS over FATS?

Well as we know we have macronutrients, our body’s requirements to make our living functions to function.

From my own experience, I restricted carbohydrates for so long. Well maybe it wasn’t that long, because at the time I started noticing the changes I was having in my breathing, I realized that something had to change.

This is the cool part about exercise and knowing macros,

It makes you so aware of changes that are happening in your body. The practice of mindfulness. Many times it has been seen as if people who exercise and eat healthy are the ones suffering from eating disorders or health problems when in fact we all have. The difference is that the practice makes us notice it on time so that we can change it and adjust to it. Think of your body as a seesaw.

It wants to reach a balance. It triggers and triggers until we listen. BUT WAIT, our body has a lot of resistance, it takes so long to get tired and really force us to change so we have to listen it.

To the point….

How carbs and fats are seen and process in our body?

Carbohydrates have 4 calories and fats have 9. Fats already sum up our calories twice in 1 gram. Calories are not a problem when we listen so even if fats are higher we would be able to feel fulness because the heat from our body will signal our hormones that we have eaten.

Why is sugar so important and what does it really mean is how I came to conclude on what foods I should choose to feed myself and how I should build my plate.

Sugars are the nitro of our body when calories are the gas.

Food is meant to send information to our hormones so that they can be translated to messages to our brain.

They are all transferred in lines, so messages are sent and received by the types of items we digest.

How many calories estimates how much it takes to reach the temperature to cross finsig the line when macronutrients, estimates the speed of those calories to reach the temperature (end of line).

It is a physical to chemical activity.

Sugar is everything that we digest with the exception that carbohydrates is the only one with the powerful force that reaches insulin that unlocks the cell to let sugar come in and be used as energy (oxygen).

You might have heard of low glycemic and high glycemic. The glycemic index is that speed to transfer those messages.

Low glycemic are foods that have fiber and high protein on it and because of the thermogenic effect on them, they take longer to transfer the messages (they keep us full for longer time) and because it takes longer if they are not supplemented with high glycemic index items as simple carbs, the message (satiation) will not be reached before time expires. So then the cycle starts again with our next meal, when it is not reached again over a long period of time it makes us anxious because it needs to reach a point that hasn’t been reached so it stays unsatisfied.

From our physiology to our psychology.

What do fats do?

Fats have been said to be bad just as carbs because of the higher amount of calories. Not being careful with our consumption can have an impact on weight gain.

Fats also help to reach that potential or satisfaction in our blood, by holding, absorbing, and dissolving the micronutrients that also keep our health (balance).

Food, macros, micros and calories are messengers to how we reach health.

If calories are low, there is not enough force to send the message. In the long run the body will get dysfunctional by not sending/receiving messages that it needs and has to be transferred.

If calories are high, it sends the message to how their diet is like. Carbs for fuel, they give you energy so you can be more active. Yeah, if you’re not careful you can gain weight and if your calories are always over for a long period of time, they will keep insulin high (they are usually high in calories and hard to have just a little). Calories stay high, insulin will stay high (not enough physical activity or if muscles are not used properly).

If calories are high and they’re primarily higher fats good or bad, the excess of this locks our arteries instead of allowing them be transfer for function, since they are responsible with the help of water to dissolve the nutrients in our body. It clots the blood transportation and think of it as holding your breath, plus keep in mind that so many of the times, we restrict carbohydrates and get no oxygen for our cells.

It’s always easier to binge on fats because fats are high calories within small quantity and takes longer to make us full. They are in many carbohydrates and proteins and because they are not the primary source of oxygen for our blood they can’t give us the satisfaction to keep our physiology calm that unconsciously makes us want more.

Let me now make it simple:

-your body needs a message when we eat. Tell it what to do with what you eat.

Have carbs, protein and fats. Divide your fiber during the day to keep you full, but also giving quick source of sugar to keep the mind full not just your stomach.

-How much of each goes according to your goal. Keep carbs higher to get both carbohydrates, get enough protein according to your physical activity (higher if your strenuous lifter) as calories will also be higher. Fats have enough to keep you healthy, get your omegas to keep your strength! One day higher fats and next higher carbs won’t make a big difference on how your body performs in the long run. See what works for you.

DO NOT make any strategies with your macros or calories until you have reached that healthy balance.

Then you will be pretty flexible, but first you have to do the work that conditioning takes time to learn.

“It never gets easier, you just get better”

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